Thursday, September 25, 2008

on the road again

well after six months of laying around, im back on the road. Did a couple shows on the island last week, one in courtney (where I met my dream girl) victoria where I ripped it up and sold some cd's. Now I'm headed out to kelowna for three shows for Yuk Yuks. I'll probably have more time for writing in K-lowna tomorrow at the hotel.

Janet left her car with me, so I decided to take it out and went to the "women in film" festival party last night with Rayne. Saw lots of old friends, including Thomas Hunt who starred in my film play "Cook". I told him there is a group in Alberta who wants to do the play again, 20 years later. He said he can still play Jimmy.

everyone seemed to know about my Cancer battle, so I spent a lot of time assuring people I was fine.
then while dropping off rayne, I got pulled over by the police. Turns out the car I was driving insurance had run out. GRRRR. They took awhile to realise I was telling the truth and that it was not a stolen car. But the impounded the vehicle and gave me a six hundred dollar ticket. Oh well