Thursday, April 23, 2009

comedy in cowtown

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

i didn't mean too

Another month has passed since my last blog, and I realize that my readers have come to expect more entries than that. I have been pretty active on facebook and so that's what i tend to do when i'm on the road, cause it's easier and faster. I am also aware that blogging can be hazardous to one's health and finances (as a certain comedian from Alberta discovered recently, by having to settle a lawsuit to the point that one wonder's if he will ever be able to afford a bed in a bag again). So I won't slander anyone here (anymore) (sorry fred). However, I am starting to think that females were put into my life to humiliate and distract me. last night topped of a week or so of females playing me like an eight year old in a game of pig-in-the-middle. Women who show interest in me have done little but mess up my money, my apartment, my car, my schedule and my focus - only to leave me vulnerable to their roommates territorial malevolence. ie. Attack me behind my back, or during a show. Both kinds showed up at the Kino last night, and it was all I could do to not piss in their soy milk. Then I had to sit around and listen to them try to convince me that heckling, or just talking loudly to each other during my show was helping me. And after the tenth time explaining, that "no seriously, I didn't like it, and it wasn't a help, and it did force me to cope with it", they go with the age old "i didn't mean to" Who gives a fuck what you meant to do? What you DID is what matters. But no one lets themselves off the hook more easily than women. "I didn't mean to, I'm really a good person." No your not. You a self-involved manipulative arrogant cunt, using your one credential, (your pussy) to trump whatever it is that I might do. "but I didn't mean to." ya, you did.

Here's what I didn't mean to do, I didn't mean to believe that you could see past the end of your padded bra, that you might has learned some manners, that your might show some respect, or even gratitude. I didn't mean to do that. But I did.