Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2007- A Year in Review - part one

This was a year that began with turbulence, despair, grief and confusion. My father had died, my woman and I broke up, and I was out of a job. So I took some action to change things up a bit. I started frequanting poetry and spoken word events. I started seeing a shrink and took music lessons. I took a variety of jobs to try to keep afloat. I acquired a whole new circle of friends outside of stand-up, and I started healing.

First I sold stuff at trade fairs and discovered that carney-like world. I worked pretty hard, but never really did make much money. But I kept going. Deciding to not do comedy open mics left me without an outlet, so I decided to hang out at poetry slams. I had a met a few cool people there when Leanne and I were together, so I reaquainted myself with them, and found a lot of success doing poetry slams. I was finding a new identity, or a least a new facet to it. And new friends, who inspired me. The idea of writing to make a point as opposed to getting laughs is what brought about "The Ballad of Bobby Pickton" which was very popular at a few slams, and we were invited to play it at the Anarchy Slam.

By Spring I had spent time doing EMDR and my piano lessons had inspired me to write two songs, which I began playing down at the Arts Club. I met Mike Wetterings and he hosted that show and one at The Copper Tank on Sunday nights. So I also made some friends and fans by performing at those places. The best part, no other stand ups except my friend Brett Martin. I didn't make any cash, but it did make me feel a little better about myself, as people continued to reinforce how good I am at what I do. And being away from the hurt I felt being around stand ups was allowing me to find some peace. The rage that had filled me during the period when the Ballad happened has eased up, and I was much better at handling the various challenges I would have to face.

It was about this time that I discovered a job driving escorts at night. It was an intense adventure into a very different world, and I actually made money. Living in the shadows of Vancouver at night gave me a very new view of the world. I drove all through the summer, till the day before I left on tour. One of the projects I intend to develop deals with that part of my life. Sometimes my life is so amazing, its hard to believe its not a movie.

Sometime in the spring, all hell broke loose in the world of YukYuks. The people who ran the Western Division of YukYuks, headed by a very nasty person, decided to form their own company. Mark Breslin came to Vancouver to do some damage control, and assured me that I was with him, and I assured him back. That would mean, however, that I would not have any work until my tour out East in the fall. The ramifications of this break off by these former bookers of mine, is still being felt. New YukYuks club should be opening in Calgary and Edmonton soon, and I'm sure to be part of that. The new company formed has had to change its name three or four times, and it doesn't look like they have the brains or the money to have much of a chance of succeeding at anything besides some short term advancement of a few acts.

Stan Thomson, a veteran comic, is now booking Yukyuks On Tour, and has provided me with a lot of work already. Stan survived a murderous attack when he was stabbed over twenty times by some freaked out Crackheads, and it has given him a new outlook. His work at booking comedy has been effective and his approach is refreshing.

It was a long summer, especially near the end while I was waiting for my tour in September. My creative batteries were charging, but I needed to make money, so my pal Stephane got me a job at working construction. I was able to find someone to sublet my place while I was away, and so I managed to make it to Toronto to return to my chosen profession of Stand-up. Working made me appreciate how fortunate I am to get paid for what I do, and I learned to appreciate it, and me more.

From September 11-Dec29 I did over a hundred shows, and over sixty shows were headlining gigs. To be honest, there was only a handful of shows where I didn't kill.

In Toronto I stayed with Briar and Neal, until Jack arrived. I look back to that time with great fondness, and being there for the arrival of a baby was a rare and compelling experience. I'm sure little Jack is busy driving his parents crazy (Crazier - in the case of Briar) but the world is a better place now that he's here.
I went to a Blue Jays game, and saw the most excitinf NFL game in Buffula, against the Dallas Cowboys.

In Toronto I got to refresh my friendships with Matt Billen, Peter Anthony, Rob Pue, Manolis, Aaron, Jennifer, Alison, Lauren and MACQUAT. (She loves it when I call her that.) I also got to know the staff at Yuks and Jessica and Fatima in particular. They did a great job of taking care of me, and the ten weeks I was there was great. I also got a chance to play the Maritimes for the first time, and hang out with the poets of Canada at the National Poet Slam.

I quieted the haters from the stage, and lived with people, shared experiences, and made some money. Paid some bills and came home with enough to replace my car that had been driven into the ground before I left.

In december I had a short tour of Alberta. It proved invaluable in reconnecting with Dave McNally, Kevin Sharp, Shelley King and her clan, Nathan and Ed, and most importantly, my mother. All this connecting made Christmas less lonely than last year, and it was obvious that lots of things have gotten better. I had Christmas dinner with friends, and my recently improved piano skills delighted everyone at the party. My time with Breanna was special, as we just cooked, ate, and watched movies.

I had a lot of fun with the Trailer Park Boys, and was unaware that my Ballad was hitting the paper in a controversial way.

2007 was a year of healing, and so even though my love life remained at a barely audible volume, I feel my efforts in 2007 will make the coming year even better. I appreciate all the readers of my blog, and you have to admit, I do keep things lively.

Now I will try to load some pictures for you to look at. And Happy New Year.

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