Saturday, September 16, 2006

Blue's Comedy Night at Stages

The picture is of a poet, Sean McGarricle, waiting to go on at "The Main" for Tpaul's Thundering Word Heard. I like this picture. (check out other dool pictures at
Tonight I went and closed the show at Stages tonight.My set was a good mix of fresh stuff and A stuff, so the audience was appreciative, and I manged to sell my CDs of a 10 minute set. Judy the bartender slid me a few Jack and Cokes as usual, cause she likes me, and thats the way I like it. Always befriend bartenders, they make all the difference in the world. Josh, at the Urban Well, Jeremy at Darby's, and Lawrence at YukYuks (although I believe he works at Darby's now. It is the eve of the comedy fest, and everyone is getting pscyhed and the children are all nestled in the beds.. Looks like some of the shows have sold out already, so that's good news. Perhaps, because I have a limited role in the festival, people think I wish it to fail. Not true at all. I want it around, and hope that it will push to raise Vancouver profile as a comedy town. There seems to be a real strong gang of comics now, so that even the open mics put up a string of really funny people. Todd Allen hosted tonight, and killed. His story about lying to a guy who called a wrong number is hilarious cause you know it happened. Phil Hanley was last up before me, working his Comedy fest set, which is very tight, and full of good jokes in the Hedbergian vein. An article in the Georgia Straight pointed out that Phil used to be a male model. Since then I can't look at the guy the same. Todd Allen, coulda maybe been a male model, but Phil? Well, I guess... Leave to Guy MacPhearson to do a story about a comedian and make the most memorable thing the comics embarassing past. Guy seems to want to make sure that no quote of his ever appears in a comic's promo package. Even his praise seems damning.

Blue had some friends from the TV world at the show, a couple that I will just call Global and CTV. They could be models, well I guess in a certain way they are. It was cool to see them as a couple. Fullfils a fantasy of mine of the sports guy making out with the weather girl. Or in this case, the two anchors going at it. "Over to you Jane" "Thanks Dan - In local news FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARD."

Ended the night smoking and complaining with Jeffrey Yu. I have over the years, had some sublime bitch sessions with the Yu-ster. He has long since stooped reacting to my racial slurs to him, so I won't bother here either. What's the point of saying things if you're not going to hurt their feelings.

"Over to you Dan"

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Boner Log

According to Dylan and Aubrey, blog stands for "boner log". My sons were very drunk at the Urban Well last night. Apparently they have a death pact that when when Aubrey dies - he wants to be cremated and have his ashes thrown in some slut's face. His words - not mine. I told Aub that even though Dylan was my first born son, Aubrey is my favourite, which made him very happy. Then they poured themselves into a cab to continue their siblings rivalry there. Thank God Jy wasn't there or I would've had to pull the car over and beat them all!!

Meanwhile the Comedy Fest is heating up, which means panic has set in. The crushing realization is that very likely, there will be as many, if not more, empty seats than last year. I hope I'm wrong, but nobody outside of the comedy community seems to have heard about it. Meanwhile the usual suspects are crowding around to try to get as many free spots as they can, believing this will be important to their careers. A little more writing of jokes, and working on one's act will be more beneficial than any Eddie Brill workshop, as far as I can tell. I wish the festival well, and my 7 minute spot at YukYuks on the 20th looks to be the highlight. And I'm getting paid.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Darby's Comedy Night with Lachlin Patterson

My first show hosting went great. Show ran about 2.5 hours, as everyone did well, and so I let 'em run. The show was, in order, Ivan Decker, DJ Roy, Cory Deutsch, Joel Walmsley, Mike Black, Jeff McMahan, Antoinette Keane, Seth Perry and Lachlin Patterson. Like is said, everyone did well, but I really enjoy Antoinette's set, and of course Lachlin killed. Several friends for the poetry world showed up, and so we had a nice crowd of about thirty, and everyone was happy. I have Erica Sigurdson and Dan Quinn lined in the next couple of weeks, and looking forward to a fun run at Darby's. "My mom said, that's great Rick, a regular paycheck, and I love their baked potatoes." "No mom, it's Darby's NOT Arby's."

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Richard's Blog

The Photo Gallery is online now, you can see it accumulating at:

as well as The Comedy Fan Forum at:

and Calendar: