Friday, January 25, 2008

Off to Victoria for a gig.

Still feeling under the weather, but not as bad as last weekend. Started to do some writing, and hopefully that will keep the ball rolling as far as being creative. I will be doing some teaching next week (teaching comedy to kids) so I'm looking forward to that. Also doing a show on Bowen Island next week. Meanwhile, haven't been able to see my daughter in a couple of weeks, between her being 12 and busy, and her mother doing her best to schedule her time away from me I can't get together with her. Tomorrow I'm going to Victoria for a gig at the TallyHo (now called The Travellers Inn) and RC informed me that I am in the last qualifying spot for the poetry slam playoffs. Still need to get a first or second to assure my participation, but it seems likely I will be in the running for the national slam team. Sent a copy of the Presbyterian Record with my story in it to my mother. I won't hold my breath for a response from her, but I'm glad I did it. I think I write this blog sometimes just to prove to myself that something happens in my life. Now I have to go blow my nose again.

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