Monday, April 07, 2008

monday monday.

I have noticed over the last few weeks that Mondays are the day that seem to hold the most dread for me. I was to have appointments at the Cancer Clinic this week, but the doctor I was to see, broke his foot and I won't be able to see him till next Tuesday. This leaves me waiting another week to find out what's coming up for me, specificly, treatment-wise. I do have an appointment today at five with the infamous Dr. MCloc, and I am hoping, (sorta) to find out what stage the cancer's at, and generally the results from the biopsies. So, I am anxious. I am in the poetry slam semi-finals tonight, so that will be a distraction. I am trying to see this delay with the doctor as a week off to do some things, like a piano lesson, so this chemo stuff has as little an interruption as possible.

I had to stop the T3's as I discovered by tripping and hurting my knee and ribs - and a couple days later smacking my friends car into a pillar. That codiene can leave you a little out of it. So I am just using regular tylenol now, and am feeling a lot clearer.

Anyway, things are pretty calm, considering, and I will let you know what the results are when I get them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I was just thinking, it's been years ... better look up Richard. Last time Terry dropped by we tried to go out and see you someplace you weren't so we just had beers instead. Terrance likes beers and so do I so it wasn't a total loss.

    But anyway, here I was bemoaning the fact that my gold has lost 5% of it's value and the new part for the pool heater is held up in customs and the Miata's stuck in the body shop for another week when I googled up your blog and lo: turns out you've just had a nut off. Well, it puts things into perspective, doesn't it.

    Thanks for cheering me up.

    Stephen B. Coulson
