Monday, December 29, 2008

sometimes endings are beginnings too

In the last two days I have gone from shovelling the church parking lot, having lunch with K's extended family, going to a memorial gathering for my cousin (picture with my aunt above) and finally hanging out with my daughter.
I will miss my cousin a lot, but sometimes the best you can do is keep trying. Today, Breanna and I will go spend some money. This holiday is a turbulant path (of weather and emotion) but it is headed towards things be good. Spending time with my daughter seems to make everything feel okay. My life continues to have plenty of drama, but at least it's not boring(for my readers anyway).

1 comment:

  1. Come on Richard, help take my mind off of the air raid sirens, bomb shelter trips and katyusha rockets falling on my city, scaring the crap out of me. Spill the beans about your drama.
