Monday, January 22, 2007

Family Abuse.

Well, my biological family has ganged up on me in recent weeks, and an attempt to force me to get healthy, which of course means to be quiet and well behaved. My three siblings are probably the three worst people in my life for me. I am happy to be done with them.


  1. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Do you think getting healthy might have something to do with stopping drinking?

  2. no i think escaping my abusive past and the abusive pattern that continues, might have something to do with stopping drinking. drinking is a symptom, and you are the disease. and as far as healthy goes, physician heal thyself!!!

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    so what is your plan to "escape your abusive past and pattern"?

  4. my plan is apparent to anyone that knows me, which sadly my biological family doesn't. Part of that is to try not to engage with my siblings attacks. This send me awol, so I can't fight back. This is frustrating because I have never been able/allowed to fight back. Since the initial attacks happened with little chance of me protecting myself, I never have. This has allowed people to walk all over me. I am not allowing this anymore. Only kindness and affection. My siblings will do what they have always done. The male (for I am loath to call him brother)will continue to spout judgements and blame, the younger female will do her because to create as much trouble for me as possible (including phoning my ex to try to poison my relationship with my daughter, and preserve her own) and the oldest female will continue to be terrorized and hiding. This has been so from the beginning, when the male and the younger female would watch me punished, while the oild hid downstairs. This smokescreen about alcohol is merely an attempt to dismiss what I think and feel, since I am no longer in their clutches, and they can't physically abuse and control me. All they have left is emotional and psychological and emotional abuse. The male is attempted to push me over the edge by cutting me from contaCT WITH ANYONE WHO MIGHT HELP, CARE OR LISTEN, and the younger females is gossiping to people in my life to make me appear unstable, (and gay - something she has always tried to explain me away with.) The irony is that all i have to do is keep living my life the way I want, and they will stay away. Which is what I want and need. There is nothing to lose by not having a relationship with them. And happiness, freedom and success to gain!
    So this will be the end. I will not fight back anymore. This blog with from now on introduce my loyal readers to the new and exciting life of me, without no attention paid to the personal. Richard the 1st is done and with him the mean people he grew up around. And Richard the 2nd, (who counts his brothers and sisters in the hundreds!) will be the subject from now on.

  5. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Good luck.

  6. Anonymous7:12 AM

    There are 2 blogs i follow in comedy, this one and Andrew Grose.

    Why... because it makes me laugh to see how pathetic you guys can be. You with your delusions and Andrew with all his boasting.

    Now I just feel sad for you man... i hope you get the help you need and find peace

  7. Anonymous11:55 AM

    It's not the world thats heavy just the things that you save.

    LIL' Mick
