Thursday, May 31, 2007

More Gemini problems

Gemini women...
It seems I am surrounded by them. My new neighbour, showed up drunk at my backyard one night, and we have chatted a few times. She seemed very nice, but she's a Gemini, so it was only a matter of time. Sure enough, she decided that she wanted to work on "her back yard". She had done nothing down there for the two months she's been here, so I cleaned the place up, put some furniture around. Thought she'd appreciate it. Nope, instead she phones the building manager and complains. Tried to do her a favour, and thought if there was a problem, she could talk to me, but noooooooooooooooo, she has to rat me out. So today I took my hockey sticks and baketball hoop up to my yard. Plus I grabbed my trees, and the patio furniture I had out for her and now she can do want she wants. Of course she won't do anything, and the place will fall into neglect. This is typical of these types. They need to control things, but there too lazy and self-involved to actually DO anything. They just want to stop other people from doing things. So lame. Meanwhile, she can't be trusted. She's the type that would take a kind gesture and use it to suggest something inappropriate about it. She could say she felt threatened and everyone would jump to her defense. Just like Leanne trying to claim I was abusive. It's something they can say and have nothing but their"feelings" to back it up, and be believed. This neighbour came to me to say that someone had been trying to look in her mail slot, after putting a piece of tape over her door's peephole. I was concerned when she told me, but now I highly doubt it ever happened. She's just trying to get attention. Why don't these women try getting attention by, I don't know, maybe doing something, reading a book, maybe even doing something kind in return.

It's funny, but I give bread to maybe ten people in the building, and only the building manager, does anything in return. He knows I like vegetables, so he buys some and gives them to me to show his gratitude for the bread I give him. It's not that I expect anything in return, besides maybe not emabrassing me, and ratting me out to the building owners.

Oh well. There are so many women in my life and they are all so high maintenance. I hope to teach my daughter to no be like that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:52 AM

    at least in a cancer and not a gemini
