Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Decided after Clint"Father Goose" continued to encourage to come out to a comedy open mic at Zawa's on the drive, to go there last night. There were a few young assoicates of mine who were doing sets there, as well as some aspiring comics whom I hadn't met. They all seemed very excited to meet me, and anxious to see me perform. This was nice, after meeting so much hostility in the comedy scene. It was great reminder of what stand-up is really about, and made me feel better about it, and me doing it. I haven't done many open mics of late, but was glad I did last night.


  1. Richard,
    Glad you are blogging again. I have been reading your blog for some time (this is the first time I have left a comment) and although the photos are beautiful, I miss reading your view on daily life.
    Amanda (Remmber me?)

  2. amanda, not sure if i do remember you. any hints?

  3. wait, are you amanda the jewish girl who likes her men danish?
