Saturday, April 15, 2006

the gospel according to judas

The recent discovery of scrolls in Egypt, covering Judas' place in history, brings out the question of his willing particiaption in the whole story of Easter. This has always interested me, as sometimes I feel like Judas within the comedy community. How dull a story it would be if not for Judas' betrayal. If he'd lied to the Romans... "ah Jesus, yeah, he's at the Denny's..."

Leave them to run around like Lenny on "Law and Order", showing pictures of Christ to clerks and bartenders. "He's blond and blue eyed - riding a donkey. You should be able to spot him."

Without no judas - no forgiveness - no resurrection - no hidden easter eggs. ANd where did that come from? Did they go to the tomb, roll back the stone and say "His body's gone!" And then some one said "Did you look under the couch?"

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