Monday, April 09, 2007

A very long weekend

Because I know my readers like the honest and often painful truth of my life, I will tell you what was going on for me this Easter weekend. As you know I am no longer in contact with my biological family, and was starting feel like my church was my family, when low and behold, they turn around and act like my old family. I was at the church for the rehearsal of Serge and Bacchus, an opera that I am directing. As I was leaving, coming in is the ex, Leanne Padgett. When we were together I got her to start attending church, got her baptized and then I set it up for her to take over the Sunday school. So now after not seeing her or hearing anything from her in months, there she is, cheerily saying, "Hello, how are you?" I was blindsided and realised that couple of people (at least) knew she would be coming and had given no warning to me. One of these was a person that had been helping me deal with all this, and the other was the new Sunday school teacher, (whom had an year long relatinship with me behind Leanne's back). Now they're inviting her out to this event at the church and letting me get ambushed. Leanne's plan has always been to provoke me, get me when I don't expect it, and then charcterise me as violent and abusive. When will women come up with another way of destroying men besides cheating, lying and being passive aggressive and then playing the victim card for all it's worth? Of course none of these people think they've done anything wrong, and I'm an overly sensitive maniac.

So I got out of there, went home and wrote an affidavit recounting the exchange so she could twist it to allow her to say she was threatened. Then I emailed the minister, and said that I would not prevent anyone from worshipping at Central, but if Leanne was going to be attending, some ontervention is required to keep this painful situation from escalating. Then I phoned my shrink...

to be continued

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