Thursday, August 23, 2007

more adventures in my life.

hey blogheads. did the story slam tonight. thought to help ivan out, and did use it to force out my story about the road trip to the thought express fest in calgary. It's called "the four poets of the apocalypse". ran over time, which i didn't realise till the time keeper rang the gong. twice. such a barbaric way to do things. the format i guess works, particularly for the convention of rewarding conformity and mediocrity. still not good at being submissive to rules especially delivered by school marms. so when whats her face tried to stop my story, (which got many laughs and is pretty darn good, if i do say so myself), i said i had a wife like you once. it's a classic richard lettism, but the humour was lost on them. so whats her face got all upset for doing her job, and being treated badly, poor thing. as if being ugly and stupid weren't enough. anyway, enough of that. plus the fucking cunt from salmon arm with the mustache and the worse fashion sense since HR Puffenstuff is always hanging around. this after a long day and half of jack hammering marble tiles, driving this escort with nasty boils to some call, it was a bit much. thankfully fernando and K were ther to make me feel not so snake like. big day tomorrow. probably will drive tonight. will put the story up soon. okay just got a call, to take my best girl chanelle to a call. woo woo white lightning.

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