Monday, June 23, 2008

and george died

So today, i had to fight with some LONDON DRUGS twit trying to get the drugs ai need this week to bump my white output. (Can you say bone pain? Didn't know what it was to they gave me that shot.) Fortunately for me there is a nurse that has to come in so the can do the shots for me. But they keep trying to teach me how to do it. I don't know to maybe non-junkies who like needles, so I want NoT to do it. So The LONDON DRUGS pharm was incompetant, (had to go to MacDonald's Pharmacy (no connection to the restaurant) and they were competant. This drug is called neuphren and it is not covered by Pharamacare. Each shot (they want me to give to myself) is worth 500 bucks. I get five. So a foundation called Victory paid for it with their credit card. They had to be sure that I wouldn't sell it across the border where it goes for ten times that much. Quick 25 Grand anyone? I decided to use the neuphren myself.

And George Carlin Died Yesterday - at seventy one. I always loved him, thought he was the coolest. So brave, so clear, we all owe George alot, comedains and civilians alike. I was compared to so much that I was referred as Canada's George Carlin. Now what, Canada's Margaret CHO? The incarnation of...

Despair is also a side effect of steroids. My despair looks like rage. Sorry


  1. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Yup. George died just this morning, I guess. Yeah? And I got a call not too long ago now to say my gran died this evening. Anyway, glad to hear that your still kicking around - though it seems that it's a bloody good thing that you have friends who are willing to look at your crotch and tell you when it's infected!!!

    Anyway, leave a sausage incubating in the oven for me, I'll have to come by for another drink and purge some time.

  2. well said, drunk english prat. could use your insight around here. call me...
