Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fighting Back

Thanks to all the friends and blogfans for your support. I know i sounded pretty down but I'm still the fighting Irishman that I am. The incredible amount of drugs in me, besides the Chemo makes sleeping, resting and most normal things irrelevant. People are full of stupid advice. "Have you tried Vitamin C?" Chemo trumps everything so don't bother. My buddy Vic joked. "I hear Jello works!" "I said "What color?" It's the middle of the night and I'm wide awake. Starting to feel the steroids wear off a bit, but what a roller coaster. The treatment continues to accumulate, so that when I finally get all four cycles in me, I'm not done, I'm fully loaded. Some people ahve been solid, but lately, they are burning out. Figure I should be over this by now. Nothing to do with them except cut 'em loose. I'm not in a position to make people feel better about how I'm doing, so if they aren't part of helping me fight this, see ya. Sounds selfish, but the only person that is really gonna make sure this Cancer is beaten is me. Thank God for the support I have had, and the support that will show up to help me through the next couple of months.
Photos are of pals from Ottawa who came out for a ski trip just before my treatment started, including my best friend from childhood Mike. I know it's tough for people who love me (ie non-family members) to read about the fight, and not know what to do or say. The ones that do know what to say and do, make a big difference. Thanks. And a big shout out to my new blog fan Lianne. (mike's a keeper if you want me opinion. plus I owe him a lot of money.)

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