Monday, June 23, 2008

How lame is you family?

Coming off the steroids gives you mood swings.
Here's one now.

Since diagnosed with Cancer in February, I have received many cards, and well wishes from all over the country. Friends visiting, cooking cleaning. Medical professionals working hard to get me well. And Love - except from my "family". My mother has been diligent, as much as a 79 year old woman on her own can be. My brother managed to fit me into his busy schedule while in town touring his third-world trophy wife. I'm sure she set him back several goats (and i'm NOT KIDDING). She's preggers. Never Managed to come to my place so each of these meetings was to where he was, so I dragged my chemoed ass out to so I could spend some time having my illness dismissed as not a big deal. Ron has three children living in Vancouver, my two neices (Robyn and Tara) and a nephew (Ryan). Despite my attempts to have relationships with them in the past, My brother has made that impossible. Still they are adults (all in their 20's) and you would think that a phonecall or something might be, well, kind. I realize they have had no guidance in the department of compassion or love growing up, so I will cut them a little slack. (On the other hand they can go FUCK THEMSELVES).

The lady from the down the street where I grew up sent me a card and nice note, but not my sisters. I pointed this out to my Brother and said it was embarassing. He scoffed "Who's embarrassed?" I said "I AM"

Now my mother and the girls (mother, sisters and there mean-spirited proginy) are in Mexico for "The girls holiday" . My mother said, maybe next year, Breanna will be old enough to go along. Right, so they can teach her how to back-stabbing passive aggressive meanie too. Not Happening EVER.

My cousin Marc has been by and resembles a family member.

Things are tough right now because I am having to treat two illnesses, the infection and the cancer, so on my week off I have shots everyday and home, my dressing changed, and do the chemo effects dance. My friends have seem me go through this first bit well, and don't seem to see i getting worse, which is will before it gets better. The steroids have me swelled up to I look good, and the bald thing seems to be a "good Look" for me. But if people took a real good look, they might see what actually happening.
Photo is my brother and the wife. Don't know her name, she never spoke.

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