Tuesday, August 23, 2005

the story of the tour continues

So, my enemies had pretty much characterized me as satan, but their problem was, I was a funny satan. So they needed a bad report to get me fired. So they got it. I made fun of some wheelchair athletes in the front row in Hamilton(what are you gonna do, walk out, run me down in the streets...), and although they loved it, (and bought my CD) they're was a bunch of wheelchair athletes staying at the hotel, and some able-bodied organizer complained. The only person there for the club was the ticket girl,(who left once I was onstage) but somehow a bad report went out. The fix was in, and the haters had they're report, (as cooked up as it was...)

So I was hanging from a thread. I was booked for three more weeks, Kingston and Ottawa as an emcee and finally to headline at the Super Club in Toronto. The haters goal was to have me fired before I got a chance to prove myself in the big room, and increase the turnover time at the club. (Several of Yuks top headliners had moved to England and so the headliner roster was a little soft... sorry, but that's why they brought me out, cause I was NEEDED). But I was told if anything goes wrong in the next three weeks I'm going home...

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