Saturday, June 10, 2006

myspace vs blogspot

i have had a website for a few years ( then I added a blog with blogspot. this immediately got me in trouble, as I learned after a week how public this venue was. I have always had strong opinions about things, and have never been afraid to express it. However, printed words can easily be manipulated to make the writer look bad, so I have learned to be careful what I write. Since then, has become a big thing and so i added that to my internet profile. the cool thing about myspace is the network of other myspacer's that it promotes. i now have more friends on myspace then I've ever had in my life - total, and some of them i even know!

i saw a newspiece on russel peters, a comic from TO that I know. he had a video of his show downloaded and it went around the world online, and he became the most downloaded comedian ever, and now he's living in hollywood, and doing great. so now i have some video that is on my website, so i put it on my myspace, and i'm hoping that people will watch it and pass it on. can't hurt. I have some new tape from my show in Vancouver at YukYuks, so I'll get some of that on too. i did shows at lafflines and stages on friday, and now i off to do a set at the median club. I missed it last week so, I wanna do it tonight. Byron's doing a show at darby's tomorrow, so I'll drop in for a set. and then I'll hang at the well on tuesday. there's this jazz player named Billy who wants me to do a set at Calhoon's on Sundays or Tuesdays. Maybe I'll use it to warm up for the Well on Tuesday.

I hung out at the well on Saturday Night, and all my drinks were on the house. it was pretty cool. Guy, the journalist (mole) in the community, tried to get a rise out of me by starting thread on the talking about me finally having the "Nerve" to do a set there. As my readers already know, there was no nerves involved, just an oldstanding beef that only still existed because of this policy of not letting me on. That policy changed, as Sean Proudlove announced loudly on the patio at the Well a couple of weeks ago. and so last Tuesday, he put me on, as "the Bullet" - but i was on. And it worked out well. simple as that. but Guy likes to stir things up, and nobody stirs better than me. his radio show "What's So Funny" pretty much got off the ground when I went down there and laid down to quoteable quotes. so he wants more from me. it just seems more useful to draw readers to my own sites then somebody else's. plus, this new status at the Well is tenuous, and I don't need it kicked around as gossip, i just wanna do shows there. it is viewed as vancouver's best room, and with the adjustments that p-love has made(including putting me on), it is. so who knows, maybe even get a show at the festival this year...

but my new stuff about the terrorists planning to cut off stephan harper's head (really, you'd do that for us!) and the rcmp guys getting married (spread 'em! Not you - the criminal!!)

and the three armed chinese boy - all killing all over town. i'm out - rl

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