Friday, April 20, 2007

57 Varieties enters 4th Year!!

Rowan's show "57 Varieties" (now at Spartacus Book Store), went last Tuesday. I went and listened to some really good, and often times funny(not surprizing with Rowan at the helm)music and I read a couple poems and Rogue did a monologue. We (rogue and 1) seem to be getting over our disagreements the way men do, by getting over it.
Rowan informed me that RC Weslowski wants up to do the "Ballad of Bobby Pickton" at the Cafe deSoliel for the Slam finals. Into the Fray!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words and photos! (no one's taken any since last June! Also... turns out everyone is right, I do look creepy when I sing from memory with my eyes mostly-but-not-all-the-way closed.)

    Also thanks for weighing in with your own performance! You demonstrated a nuance that flies under the radar of your bold public persona.
