Tuesday, April 17, 2007


The Wiggle car, which was my product to sell, is an amzing piece of engineering. Like a skate board on the front end, and a sloping design, with the broad read whell base, turns friction and gravity into what feels like a motor- powered trike. The structure accomodates almost every-size of rider - and age. I posted a board for the youngest and oldest wiggler of the day, which ranged all the way from 20months to 77 years old. This woman was so excited that she could do it, that she brought a friend back to watch her. She bought one. The picture of me shows me looking, well tired. Those three little boys kicked my ass. I kicked them of three times. But they were cute as hell, and they did a good job of selling the cars, but loved to crash into me...
My nametag said Wiggle Man, and Wiggle Man abuse was common. Even small children know they can whack me and get away with it!!


  1. Anonymous10:27 PM

    My wiggle cars sound like the wheels are scraping or on wrong but we don't know how to fix them. Any suggestions?

  2. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I need to buy a new front wheel for my sons wiggle car how do I order one?
