Wednesday, April 18, 2007


For my money (and there ain't fuckin' much of that) Fernando is Vancouver's best slam poet. I don't know what his last name is, and i don't want to. This picture, takien at the semi-finals of the vancouver poerty slam is appropriately blurry, as he is. His poetry is infused with humour, and pain. He has a Bukoski sense of human filth, and a great irreverance to himself and the form. he speaks as many slam poets do, like their lips are bongo drums, but his delivery is authentic.
I was a judging for the first time on monday, and did a good and honest job of it. My "son" Jy Harris was in it. Unfortunately it wasn't his best night. He's good, but he was there that night. Sorry son.
If you check the time line, dear readers, you will see that Meat Draw and I drove from Ft.St. John Sunday night, so I could make it to my audition of "4400" at North shore studios for 4:15. I drove from the top of a mountain between FSJ and Prince George, all the way home. So I did the audition having not slept. I thought I would crash after the audition, but it went so well, that I got energy, and went down to The Slam at Cafe D'Soliel and did my poem on the open mic, and then was a judge in the competition.
Note: Meat Draw, who normally would've caught a hotel room, did the all-nighter with me so I could make my audition without complaining - to me. She did a little bitching to some others, but she never made me feel bad about it. A very nice quality in a person! I also gave her a good excuse to get out of Dodge before the growing numbers of locals could make their last ditch effort to win her heart (or something).

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