Wednesday, October 05, 2005

One very good question?

One night at Yuks Yuks Vancouver, Jason Lamb and I were standing outside for a smoke, when a man came out. He had just been kicked out of the club, for being obnoxious. After 2 seconds talking to this guy, we could see that the staff had made a good call. He was very high on blow, and drunk, lots of gold, and all ego. He was determined to get into the club to show them he was the funniest of all. I suggested he go into the lounge upstairs and wait for his friends. In the lounge this guy realizes he’s getting nowhere bullying me, (as I have already managed to get a beer and a shot out of him). He zeroes in on Jason, who is young in appearance and elegant in manner – and he has mistaken these qualities for weakness. He is telling Jason how successful and brilliant he is, and says he can answer any question Jason could pose. Several times he challenged Jason to ask him a question. I sat close by to ensure no harm came to my friend, as this was a can of worms I had opened. Finally Jason looks him dead in the eye and says – “Okay, I have a question for ya.” “Fire away” the resident genius, says. “Tell me - what makes you happy?” Panic raced through the guy’s eyes and he stopped speaking for the first time since we met him. He was stumped and burned in the same moment. I can’t tell you how proud I was of Jason that night – one for the good guys! On my way home, I left pondering Jason’s question. What makes ME happy?(Jason is pictured here at the Urban Well with Brad Muise)

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