Monday, October 03, 2005

Why are blogs so dangerous?

Because of the incredible visibility the internet affords, the ability to go online, and project ideas and images across the world, on a whim, makes the field of free expression wide open. Anyone can present their ideas, feelings, predjudices, anxieties, frustrations to a world wide audience. In short, bloggers cannot be silenced. This naturally creates fear in those that think the blogger will misuse this power. There's is always that possibility. This is a problem, not because the blogs exist, but because people read them. To be truthful, I don't. Even blogs that have been set up to besmirch me directly, I tend to ignore. Meanwhile, I have noticed an increase in viewership, when I write something controversial. So from time to time I'll throw something in to keep it lively. I know this makes people nervous, because I have a reputation of speaking my mind, and one never knows when it will happen. As Damonde says, "without you Rich, we'd have nothing to talk about!" So coming soon, the adventure of the comedy warrior in the "I" of the storm will continue. Dum da dum da...

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