Tuesday, January 17, 2006

being a lexicon, quitting smoking and men's issues

Ran into several people down at the Starbucks on Cornwall and Yew - "my office as some call it. Ran into Dan Quinn, whose doing the show at Lafflines with me this weekend. He told me someone out there in blog land has referred to someone as a "Richard Lett" type. Not sure what that means, but its interesting to be seen as a "type".

Then I chatted with Kim Seary, an actress I've known for years. We talked about her attempts to quit smoking, and how that can make you crazy. I had a friend who quit smoking, then her health went haywire. She developed a sensitivity to light, and dairy and wheat foods and she was generally a mess after that. Kim found herself having a lot of emotions coming up without the pacifier that smoking can be. It is also a social addiction, and as a writer, it is difficult to write without smokes. (I'm smoking right now).
We talked about The Men's fest - a theatre festival I started (93-96)- and the politics I was involved with then. A lot of them ,as it turned out, were my own issues, and once I figured that out, as well as me being cast in "The men's show" (giving me an outlet for the ideas) then need for the Men's fest stopped. It also became clear that funding agencies would not fund this event, even though the regularly supported women-only events. I believe my issues with women have be resolved, but last night, at a poetry reading, there was a publisher of a anthology called "A Room of One's Own" which was exclusively women. When I asked if they would accept transgendered writers things got tense. Another guy suggested that women are well represented in the world of poetry, but the snobbish reply from these publishers was they would never change that policy. Of course, the publication was well-funded by Canada Council and other funding agencies. Some things never change.

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