Wednesday, January 18, 2006

How I met Shaquille O'Neal

It was still the days when Vancouver had a NBA team (1999). I was working with a couple of guys on a show called "The Living Room" at the Millenium Room, which was a club on the fifth floor of downtown building. It's a strip club now, but at the time it was a really cool venue for music and comedy.

Anyway, ShaQ owned a house in Vancouver at the time, and was hanging out with some escort from the parlour in the same building. He was hanging out in the Club after the show. (he wasn't there when the show was on, and we (some comedians) were having a few apres show drinks.

I was feeling pretty good, dancing up a storm, when Shaq came in. He was pretty easy to spot, all 7 feet, 300 pounds of him. The two girls with him seemed more like protection than for pleasure. Vancouver had been notorious for scandel with celebrities - David Dukovny, Ben Affleck - so it seemed to me these girls were there to keep gold diggers away. Anyway, i walked up to him and at 6'1", I'm not used to looking way up to talk to someone. He was happy to chat, found out I was a comedian and really liked that. I swear when I shook his hand that it covered my forearm. He was dancing with his two girls, and being that i had been talking to Shaquille O'Neal, I had THREE girls dancing with me. Shaq laughed pretty hard when he saw that. Ever since then, when I see him interviewed, he's very calm and cool, and after standing beside him, I understand why.

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