Friday, September 25, 2009

the prayers of the people.

Here's my latest prayer at Central.
facebook/richardglenlettThe Prayers of the People. Sept 13. 2009
by Richard Glen Lett

Let us pray.

Heavenly Father.  We gather today, a community of your people, to offer our thanks for your eternal Wisdom, Knowledge and Grace, and to ask forgiveness for our hurtful words, our refusal of your guidance and for our selfish doubt.

Lord you have given us our beautiful little church from which great love and service comes. Thank you for the sun that shines into our sanctuary through our stained glass cross, it's light gracing the faces of these good people of Central, Galillee and Christ Alive. Let your light shine through us too, and bless all of our work in your name.

Thank you Lord for the blessing of children, and guide their parents to show patience beyond patience, humour in the face of family troubles, and knowledge of the glory of each moment of their lives. Thank you for Samuel, the youngest congregation to help out with the booth at Davie Days yesterday, by being strong and patient with his parents Suni and whatshisname, (y'know - Samuel's dad...)
Lord we humbly thank you for the gentle guidance of our pastor, Reverend Jim. Thank you for his strength and tireless effort to spread your love across this city, and to the farthest places in your world. We are grateful for his work within the Presbyterian Church of Canada, his studies at University, his world travels, his intelligent sermons,and most importantly, his computer skills. Each of us at Central knows that, whether it be matters of the heart or matters of computer technology, we have a great counsellor in your servent Reverand Jim. Please continue to bless him with health and vigour to guide us.

Thank you Lord, for Gilmore and the choir, who sing our hearts to you each Sunday, for Kathleen and her flute and exuberant newsletter, and for Sandra, whose diligence and attention keeps us all on our toes. Thank you for her kindness and understanding of me, Lord, as she never fails to care about me or our church. Please bless her commitment to Central.

Despite fear of being heckled during the "Prayers of the People" I would like to thank you for Gillan Jackson. This church would not be Central without him. And being Central is very special. I would like to personally thank you Lord with blessing me with such a good man to be my friend and elder, and for leading me to this pulpit that I too may bring my talent to your Glory.

Bless our session Lord, as they tackle the thankless but crucial job of handling Central's business affairs and guide them so they may know your mind in these matters. 
We pray for Laurie and Margaret, and ask you to guide there physicians to the best of their abilities so they may enjoy speedy recovery.

Each day Lord, you teach us to love our neighbour, and each day Lord, we ignore your counsel. Our tongues flash with judgement, spite and hate. We hurt people with careless names and words, tossed like embers into a dry forest of your people, sending flames through the hearts of those, who like us, struggle to accept your forgiveness. We say we seek honour and truth and yet we are selfish and greedy. We cling to your gifts as our own, and refuse your wisdom and your sacrifice. We, like your beloved Peter, rebuke you for this world, setting our mind on human things, and not divine one's. Please forgive us Lord as you hear now, our silent Prayers.

The Son of Man, so near to his own sacrifice, left us these words that I am blessed to read. "Get behind me,Satan! Those who cling to their lives shall lose them, but those that lose their lives for the gospel's sake, will save it. For what shall it profit a man, to gain the whole world - but forfeit his life?”
God in Heaven, teach us again, your Love. Teach us again to guide our tongues to speak your praises, and not words that stain the whole body. Teach us again to give our lives away, that we may live eternally to worship you. Lord, never stop teaching us. Thank You for Your Grace to forgive us our failings - and love us in spite of them. In Jesus' Name. Amen

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